Available for
- Roles: Administrator
- Plans: Starter, Premium, On demand
The Spare Parts Dashboard allows you to track the incoming and outgoing flows of your spare parts as well as the valuation of your stock.
Stock Valuation lets you easily see the value of your stock in each of the currencies used. The value is calculated for each currency independently as follows:
(Spare part 1 price * Current stock of spare part 1) +
(Spare part 2 price * Current stock of spare part 2) +
(Spare part y price * Current stock of spare part y) + …
As for managing the incoming and outgoing spare parts flow, you can specify your search criteria to obtain specific information:
- Date range
- Cost center
- Spare part
- Contributor
- Equipment concerned
Depending on the filters you have selected, you will be able to view a summary of the movements related to your spare parts. This summary will include the following details:
- Total output quantity during the selected period, with the output quantity in the preceding period shown in parentheses.
- Total cost of outgoing stock during this period (and during the previous period in parentheses).
- Total quantity of spare parts restocked during this period and during the same previous period.
- Total cost of spare parts restocked during this period and the previous period.
Values are always presented in comparison with the previous period. If you have selected a seven-day period (e.g., from 20/05 to 27/05), the corresponding values will be displayed for that period, along with those from the previous seven-day period (from 13/05 to 20/05), in parentheses.
As you scroll down, you'll find the details of each spare part's entry and exit.
The table consists of various information:
- The spare part concerned
- Stock out
- Number of restocks
- Location
- Unit price
- The cost center of the part
- Cost of outgoing stock
- Cost of restocks
The “Download” button allows you to export this information to an Excel file, making it easier to generate reports.
If you want to find parts that were used on a specific piece of equipment, select the equipment you're interested in from the Equipment filter.