Available for
Roles: Administrator, Technician
Plans: Starter, Premium, On Demand
The “Task Analysis” menu in your Dashboard is divided into three tabs:
- intervention time,
- number of tasks,
- number of activities.
These tabs will allow you to display the data you are looking for according to these three variables.
Use the “Display more filters” button in the “Number of activities” tab to refine your search using the available criteria. The filters you will find are very similar to those of the search: assigned users, tags, time frame...
In this filter panel you can also choose to filter by the scheduled date of the tasks, the creation date of the tasks, or the end date of the tasks.
Just as in the “Intervention time” and “Number of tasks” tabs, you will find, firstly, a summary graph with the percentage of overdue, planned and archived tasks, differentiated by a color code.
Depending on the filters selected, you will find the total number of tasks; the total number of activities; the sum of time spent on tasks; and an estimate of the average time spent per task.
Tables and charts
Various tables and charts are available in this tab:
- Top 10 tasks, i.e. the 10 tasks with the most activity recorded in your network.
- Top 10 cost centers, which allow you to see which cost centers have mobilized your team the most in terms of recorded maintenance activities.
- Top 10 equipments, where you will see the 10 equipments with the most activities recorded in their interventions.
- Top 10 users, which will show you the 10 users in your network who have logged the most activities on tasks in the selected time period.
- Top 10 tags, which will show you the 10 most used tags in activities. This graph gives you the possibility, to see which types of interventions are the most common in your network, thanks also to the filter option that allows you to visualize either all the tags of the network, the tags that belong to a tag group or the tags that do not belong to a tag group.
- 10 most used keywords, i.e. the keywords that are most often found in the activities reported in your network. You can move the mouse cursor over the different sticks to see exactly how many times these words were used by your technicians.
All these tables can be represented, according to your preference, in different types of charts: bar, pie or radar.
Finally, at the bottom of the page, as for the “intervention time” and “number of tasks” tabs, you will find a last graph “Evolution of the time spent”, which allows you to visualize at a glance the evolution curve of the number of activities of your network.
Choose the view you prefer (date, week, day, year) to get a more detailed report according to your needs.